Thursday, January 29, 2015

Dark Days Bright Tunnel ... "what countdown ?" ... day twenty eight ... peal's entry ...



why ? cuz why not ? who cares ? does it matter ? are we all made of matter ? when will it end ? when will it pay off ? is that really what its all about ?  when did it begin ? does it matter ? where will you go from here ? does it matter ? when will we see u next ? does it matter ? will you miss me ? am i not matter ? why not have another ? is this the american dream ? who suffers for our gain ? does it matter ? how many more times will we ... ? does it matter ? why am i sinking ? does it matter ? is it suppose to be this hard ? what did u do wrong ? what did u do right ? does it matter ? what happens now ? does it matter ? does it matter ? does it matter ? whats the matter ?

from the i that is "i" therefore you ...

fondel your optics and stimulate those drums

the glimpseesuponseas

. . . .

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Dark Days Bright Tunnel ... "what countdown ?" ... day twenty three ... peal's entry ...



what on the bub tub ? why am i bored ? what do i consume ? what do you consume ? why dont you just change the channel ? why is it so difficult ? why is it so comfortable ? why is the same sensation so painful ? are we addressing the real problem ? do we consume what we consume because thats all we have energy for ? what are we spending our energy doing ? do we spend energy just to earn money just to spend that money ? what do you spend money on ? is it the next new thing ? is the new thing needed out of necessity ? or is the new thing needed just cuz the nes thing is new ? who made up these rules ? why do we play by them ? who enforces these rules ? are they not humans just like yourself ? what places them hirer on the pyramid ? is the pyramid a figment of our imagination ? is a figment of imagination real if people enforce with with energy, will power, money, time and belief ? do these ingredients make something real ? what makes some thing real ? has the cardboard TV we've constructed since we were little ones changed any ? have the sock puppets graduated form fake footwear ? or have we just replaced the sock puppets with humans ? who is working the marionette strings ? who is "they" ? who are you ? can you do something about it ? what is the "it" you want to do something about ? would we do anything at all ? is doing nothing something ? is doing something nothing ? do these questions even help ? maybe we should change the channel ?

gas mask?

Monday, January 19, 2015

Dark Days Bright Tunnel ... "what countdown ?" ... day eighteen ... peal's entry ...


why was this photo, when downloaded, titled "Mom-Dad-2.5-kids-a-dog-and-a-white-picket-fence-Forget-it-says-Packaged-Facts-America-is-changing-and-food-marketers-need-to-catch-up_strict_xxl.jpg" is there a dad out side ? is he playing side walk chalk with his kids ? or is he out lined in chalk ? or did the kids even meet their dad ? was mom really in the kitchen with an apron ? does the white picket fence bring you solace amongst these tragic times ? have you created a little bubble of the american dream within side the american nightmare ? is the american dream too expensive for you ? did college put you right where the government wanted you ? in debt ? does mom not want to be in the office bringing home the bacon anymore ? does dad not want to be in the kitchen cooking and cleaning any more ? does it really matter who wears the pants ? are we too sensitive as human beings ? are we not sensitive enough ? should we practice rigid morals of conductivity towards other humans ? but should we till get out material goodies packaged in plastic bags ? should we feel sad when the all mighty dollar leaves our hands in exchange for a cart of delicious foods ? is it not the food that we should be celebrating ? why is the money so important when you have traded it for the goods to keep you alive ? is it because of the sacrifice of time that was needed to gain that money ? is it still a waste of time ? why is there a middle woman ? why do we not just work for food and for a roof ? is it because money is that infinite alchemy paper that allows u the freedom of choosing what comes into you your possession ? would u feel better if those things were chosen for you ? is working hard relative ? do we live to die ? why do we hungry for something more ? something to expedite the process ? where did all the flowers go ? can we not see past the flowers on our heads ? can you see the roses in your eyes ? perhaps they are harder to see then smell ? but is scent not our repressed sense ? why would a right of life be the "pursuit of happiness" ? why are we pursuing it ? why dont we just realize that we are ? would u celebrate your birthday with me on a random day ? #HAPPYDAiLYBiRTHDAY ?

from the i that is "i" therefore you ... 


Thursday, January 15, 2015

Dark Days Bright Tunnel ... "what countdown ?" ... day thirteen ... peal's entry ...



why wouldnt it be time for a pizza party ?! birds of what feather ? flower of a petal ? trees of a fruit ? who do you roll with ? would the gathering of many be spoiled by one rotten apple ? does it depend on how influential the rotten apple is ? would it be safe to say that one edible apple is easily spoiled by a barrel full of rotten ones ? people ? places ? things ? if you surround yourself with mirrors will you reflect them ? are you not a mirror ? are you not what you eat ? does consumption reach further than just the food we process ? how have we forgotten about the spectrum ? is it just point A and point Z ... are there not a slew of phonetic symbols between, that have the potential for engaging alchemical transmutations ? what do u think happens to that beautiful cheese steak as it passes through your body ? does the ice cream not course through your blood stream to every square inch of your body ? does that banana not coerce the chemicals in your brain to dance and wiggle around like the tubes we are ? would it be wrong to marvel at the observation that most every organism on this planet is just a variant of a tube or tunnel ? did we fall out of one tunnel ? just to fall into another tunnel ? where is the light switch ? does it matter ? wont your eyes just adjust ? are the dark days really that dark ? does the sun not rise tomorrow ? does tomromrormoro ever exist ?

from the i that is "i" therefore you ... 



Dark Days Bright Tunnel ... "what countdown ?" ... day eight ... peal's entry ...


when does the infinite void of the abyss and its potential move to make space for the waves ? when do the waves separate into distinguishing elements that are separately categorized ? when did the ripples clash and become aware ? when was the pebble dropped ? when does anyone have time for anything ? when you finally make time for the gathering of ingredients, what will you have sacrificed ? when we finally stopped hunting and gathering which half panicked with the thought of loosing their job ? did we not think that we could move on to the next ? isnt change perfect ? is change itself changing ? what exactly is in stock ? or in store for us ? soup stock ? veggie stock ? gun stock ? meat stock ? torture stocks ? stocks and bonds ? stock markets ? food markets ? or stock photos ? ... what is a stock photo ? does it not pull from archaic ideas ? should we get mad at the archaic ideas ? or should we embrace them with the knowledge that they too will get old and die off ? will doing nothing let them die off naturally ? or do u have to put up a fight ? is war not one with peace ? should i not have gone shopping the other day ? should i have let someone else do it ? who was gonna do it ? who was gonna know what i wanted ? could i have told someone my wants and needs ? are words not fallible ? ... why cant things be simple ? could it ever really be black and white ? what about grey ? dark matter ? light matter ? whats  in between ? where is that grey matter located ? are you not the most important person in the universe ? am i not you ? why dont you treat yourself with respect ? is the i you speak of the "i" we all share ? can i open my eyes now ? can i go back to sleep yet ? when i was dreaming could i not accomplish anything ? is this reality not a dream ? well ... then ... what is it ? who are you ?

from the i that is "i" therefore you ... 

from portals, burries, air (alchemically bent and gifted), to the accidentally releashed critters and cluster that followed

. .

a matrix of navigation for YOU!

portal toilets

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Dark Days Bright Tunnel ... "what countdown ?" ... day three ... peal's entry ...



CHEERS ! cheers ? from the bleachers ? from the stairs ? from the hall way ? from the classroom ? wheres your hall pass ? what flower do YOU think will bloom ? a toast ? shall we jam ? shall we dance ? should we cry ? is the moment too beautiful ? are you the beholder ? with your "i" ? did u recognize it when it hit you ? did it hurt when u fell ? does it hurt to feel ? what wishes are granted ? from the pennies in the well ? feeling well ? do i exist ? or am "i" you ? your experiences that mirror ? may remind you of youth ? do they remind you of ye olden ? did u realize yet, that your skin is golden ? are these just words ? or are they lamentations from the future ? the brief history and introduction to the world you're so used to ? everything is normal ? everything is fine ? go back to sleep ? no more time ? no more rhymes ?

from the i that is "i" therefore you ... 

whats olnoo, whats snooze, whats known

 follow that visitor and the countdown madness on Facebook ...