why wouldnt it be time for a pizza party ?! birds of what feather ? flower of a petal ? trees of a fruit ? who do you roll with ? would the gathering of many be spoiled by one rotten apple ? does it depend on how influential the rotten apple is ? would it be safe to say that one edible apple is easily spoiled by a barrel full of rotten ones ? people ? places ? things ? if you surround yourself with mirrors will you reflect them ? are you not a mirror ? are you not what you eat ? does consumption reach further than just the food we process ? how have we forgotten about the spectrum ? is it just point A and point Z ... are there not a slew of phonetic symbols between, that have the potential for engaging alchemical transmutations ? what do u think happens to that beautiful cheese steak as it passes through your body ? does the ice cream not course through your blood stream to every square inch of your body ? does that banana not coerce the chemicals in your brain to dance and wiggle around like the tubes we are ? would it be wrong to marvel at the observation that most every organism on this planet is just a variant of a tube or tunnel ? did we fall out of one tunnel ? just to fall into another tunnel ? where is the light switch ? does it matter ? wont your eyes just adjust ? are the dark days really that dark ? does the sun not rise tomorrow ? does tomromrormoro ever exist ?
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