Saturday, January 3, 2015

Dark Days Bright Tunnel ... "what countdown ?" ... day three ... peal's entry ...



CHEERS ! cheers ? from the bleachers ? from the stairs ? from the hall way ? from the classroom ? wheres your hall pass ? what flower do YOU think will bloom ? a toast ? shall we jam ? shall we dance ? should we cry ? is the moment too beautiful ? are you the beholder ? with your "i" ? did u recognize it when it hit you ? did it hurt when u fell ? does it hurt to feel ? what wishes are granted ? from the pennies in the well ? feeling well ? do i exist ? or am "i" you ? your experiences that mirror ? may remind you of youth ? do they remind you of ye olden ? did u realize yet, that your skin is golden ? are these just words ? or are they lamentations from the future ? the brief history and introduction to the world you're so used to ? everything is normal ? everything is fine ? go back to sleep ? no more time ? no more rhymes ?

from the i that is "i" therefore you ... 

whats olnoo, whats snooze, whats known

 follow that visitor and the countdown madness on Facebook ...

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